Lab Fun

05/11/2023 Dinner celebration for Paula's amazing talk!
05/02/2023 Happy Birthday to Jess! Incredible cake made by Manisha!
03/24/2023 Happy Birthday to Nicolai!!
02/23/2023 Dinner celebration for Jonathan's incredible Confabs presentation!
Spinelli Lab Happy Hour- New Year's theme!
2022 holiday party with the Shen, Guertin, Kim, Zhang, Walker, Haynes, and Lee labs at Olo's!
Fun times at the UMass Chan 2022 retreat!
Lab dinner to celebrate the completion of Ally's rotation!
Welcome Reception for new PMM Faculty
On May 5th, 2022 the program in molecular medicine welcomed the newest three faculty members (Jessica Spinelli, Jin Zhang, and Kuang Shen) into the department with a reception at the Tower Hill Botanic Garden.
Spinelli lab trainees having fun taking care of the mass spec!

Annual BBQ at Rutland State Park! Good food, badminton, trivia, and some other fun games!