Lab Photos

UMass Chan Ice Cream Day (Sept. 2024)

The Shaw Lab says Good-Bye and Good Luck to Ji-Sun.

Shaw Lab Lunch Sept 2023

Celebrating Michael and Kara's Wedding (May 2023)

Dr. Leslie Shaw is awarded the Dean's Award for Outstanding Faculty Contributions to Graduate Education at the Education Recognition Awards and Last Lecture on May 3, 2023.

Michael, Leslie, Claire and Ji-Sun at the IGF Gordon Conference, California, March 2023

Claire presents her poster at the IGF Gordon Conference in California, March 2023

JiSun and Michael's posters at the IGF Gordon Conference in California, March 2023

WooSox game with members of the Shaw and Mercurio labs (June 2022)

Lab Outing at Oakholm Brewing Company (May 2022)

Goodbye lunch for James and Maira

Lab photo September 2020

Asia goodbye lunch

Goodbye and good luck to Jenny

Summer undergraduate student Fayola

Asia thesis defense. Congratulations Dr. Matthew-Onabanjo!

Ice cream break

End of summer undergraduate program for Sam

Celebratory lunch for Katerina’s defense

End of summer lunch