Core "F" BD FACS Aria Fusion
Core "F" BD FACS Aria Fusion (BSL-2⁺/BSC)
Core "F" BD FACS Aria Fusion (BSL-2+)
Core (BSL-2+/BSC) BD FACSAria Fusion Fluorochome Selection Guide
The BD FACSAria Fusion has 5 lasers and 17 fluorescent detectors plus a dedicated FSC PMT for improved small-partical visualization. The biosafety cabinet and the sorter are integrated into a single unit to maintain operator safety and sample integrity. The FACS Aria Fusion is configured with 2 parameters on the blue laser, 3 parameters on the red laser, 6 parameters on the violet laser, 2 parameters on the UV laser, and 4 parameters on the yellow-green laser. This sorter is located in the main core lab S5-322 and is reserved for core personnel operation.