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Core “C” BD FACS Aria (BSL-2⁺/BSC)

Core (BSL-2+/BSC) BD FACS C-Aria II Cell Sorter 3V 3R 2UV 5YG

C Aria in BSC BSL-2+

Core (BSL-2+/BSC) BD FACS C-Aria II Fluorochome Selection Guide

The Core's BSL-2+ BSC C-Aria is housed in a Baker BioProtect biosafety cabinet and is located in the flow cytometry core's BSL-2+ lab. The BSL-2+ lab is located in room S5-318 and is accessed through the main core lab at S5-322. This FACS Aria is configured with 5 parameters on the blue laser, 3 parameters on the red laser, 3 parameters on the violet laser, 2 parameters on the UV laser, and 5 parameters on the yellow-green laser. This sorter is available for self-sorting for investigators who have completed the training session described on our training page.