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RFS Submitted Proposal Form

In order to ensure up-to-date proposal information in our systems, departments are requested to notify RFS of the submission date of their proposal to the sponsor. RFS only requires notification for proposals not submitted via Cayuse (RFS receives an electronic confirmation for these submissions).

RFS will use this notification to update the proposal’s submission information in PeopleSoft. This updated data will be available for review in SUMMIT.

Below is the link to the RFS Submitted Proposal Form, a UMass Chan SharePoint Infopath form.

You must log in with your UMass Chan NT account and password (your primary computer login).

A valid umassmed or umassmemorial username and password are required to access the form. To login, left-click on the link below and input your username and password.

Umassmed: To login from a umassmed domain input your university username and password.

UMassmemorial: To login from a umassmemorial domain input your umassmemorial username and password. 

RFS Submitted Proposal Form

If you have trouble logging in to the SharePoint Infopath form, please contact Denise DeGabriele Lindberg at 508-856-2119 or via email at