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Puig Lab Team

The Puig Lab is a group of dedicated individuals working together to identify new targets to make opioids safer and decrease the incidence of addiction. Learn more about our research goals here

Headshot of Dr. Stephanie Puig

Dr. Stephanie Puig, M.S., Ph.D (She/Her)

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry 
Twitter: @StefPuig

Dr. Puig holds a Masters in Neuroscience and Physiology from the Universty Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France), and a Ph.D. in Neuropharmacology from the University of Paris Descartes (Paris, France). Her thesis work on neurobiology of addiction and her postdoctoral training on mechanisms of opioid signaling and pain have led her to develop a research program focused on mechanisms at the intersection of chronic opioid use for the treatment of pain and prevention of side-effects and opioid addiction. She is always excited to learn and share ideas with current and new collaborators, so please do not hesitate to reach out to chat!

Current Members

Anita Khasnavis (She/her)
1st-Year Ph.D. Student, UMass Chan Medical School GSBS

ORCID iD: 0009-0007-7218-3503

Anita graduated from Vassar College in 2019 with a B.A . in Neuroscience, after working in a lab focusing on dopaminergic signaling's effect on FXS behaviors in mice (Poughkeepsie, NY). After college, she spent two years teaching 7th and 8th grade science in Hartford Connecticut through Teach for America. Before matriculating into UMass Chan Medical School, Anita spent two years at Massachusetts General Hospital as a lab technician in the Hyman Lab studying Alzheimer's disease and the role of tau in pathology development in mice (Boston, MA). She is currently a first-year student at UMass Chan Medical School in the GSBS and is very excited to gain experience through her rotations. In her free time, Anita enjoys crocheting, listening to audiobooks, and annoying her new cat!

Professional headshot of Anita Khasnavis

Matt Finelli (He/his)

1st-Year Ph.D Student, UMass Chan Medical School GSBS


ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0022-7673

Matt graduated from The College of the Holy Cross in 2021 with a B.A in Psychology and spent two and a half years in Ryan Mruczek’s Lab, investigating the effects of visual illusions on the mammalian visual system. Following his undergraduate studies in psychology, he transitioned to working as a research lab technician for two years in the Walker Lab at UMASS Chan Medical School, focusing on the role of lipid dysfunction in secretory stress and aging in C. Elegans. He is currently a first-year student in the GSBS at UMASS Chan and is interested in pursuing research in neurobiology/neuroplasticity. Outside of lab, he enjoys listening to all sorts of music, reading a good book, or going for a run!

Angelique Buton, M.S. (She/her)


Research Associate III


ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8937-5535


Angelique holds a Masters in Genetic and Genomics from the University of Nantes (France). She went on to work in pharmaceutical industry in a CRO (Archamps, France) as an animal technician then as a project manager where she was involved in preclinical studies utilizing humanized immune system mouse models. Her focus was on cancer research and is excited to join the opioids research community. Outside the lab, Angelique enjoys reading thrillers books, cooking and hiking to discover new and beautiful views/landscapes.

The Puig Lab is currently recruiting at all levels!

Join our team

Puig Lab Alumni

Luca Posa, PharmD., Ph.D.

Luca is a former postdoctoral fellow in the Puig Lab. He received his B.Sc. in Biology and later his Pharm.D., both from the University of Bologna (Bologna, Italy). During his Pharm.D., Luca studied the rationale of opioid treatment during a rotation at the University of Paris Descartes. He then pursued his Ph.D. in Psychiatry at McGill University (Montreal, Canada), where he used cutting-edge techniques to study the interaction between the melatonergic and opioid systems in the antinociceptive pathway and reward. He received the Fonds de Recherche- Santé du Québec Fellowship and the Edwards Studentship in Pain Research. Luca moved to the University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland) as postdoctoral fellow to study the role of monoamines in chronic pain condition, and later joined the Puig’s lab at Boston University (Boston, Massachusetts) where he is investigating the neural circuitry and cellular determinants of opioid analgesic tolerance. When not in lab, Luca loves cooking, hiking, music, and exploring the wonderful city of Boston.

Luca is now a postdoctoral fellow at Cornell University in New York!