How is cellular behavior controlled by external signals?  

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We study protein kinase regulatory networks that control signal transduction and cell cycle progression.

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Our studies will contribute to our general understanding of signaling regulatory networks and protein-protein interactions, with relevance to the mechanisms underlying normal cell function as well as disease states.

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We investigate these cellular behaviors using budding yeast (S.cerevisiae), which provides a model system that is highly amenable to experimentation using genetics, biochemistry, and cell biology.

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We are a tight-knit group of scientists working together to advance our fundamental understanding of intracellular regulatory mechanisms.

Research Highlights

Comprehensive Analysis of G1 Cyclin Docking Motif Sequences that Control CDK Regulatory Potency In Vivo.
Bandyopadhyay S, Bhaduri S, Örd M, Davey NE, Loog M, Pryciak PM.

Curr Biol. 2020 Nov 16;30(22):4454-4466.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.08.099. Epub 2020 Sep 24. PMID: 32976810; PMCID: PMC8009629.

A quantitative intracellular peptide binding assay reveals recognition determinants and context dependence of short linear motifs
Mythili S. Subbanna, Matthew J. Winters, Mihkel Örd, Norman E. Davey, and Peter M. Pryciak

bioRxiv 2024.10.30.621084; doi:

High-throughput discovery and deep characterization of cyclin-CDK docking motifs 

Mihkel Örd, Matthew J. Winters, Mythili S. Subbanna, Natalia de Martin Garrido, Victoria I. Cushing, Johanna Kliche, Caroline Benz, Ylva Ivarsson, Basil J. Greber, Peter M. Pryciak*, Norman E. Davey*
bioRxiv 2024.12.03.625240; doi:

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    Join us (the BMB) in celebrating RNA Day by learning more about the innovative bioengineering by the Pederson Lab.

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