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2023-24 Innate Immunity Training Program Trainees

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 Stephanie Becker

Stephanie Becker (Medicine)
Stephanie is a PhD student in Dr. Doug Golenbock’s lab. Her research investigates gasdermin D-related pathways in Alzheimer’s disease. Stephanie received her BS in Biological Sciences from Cornell University.

 Gavin Fujimori

Gavin Fujimori (Microbiology and Physiological Systems)
Gavin is a PhD student in Dr. Chris Sassetti’s lab. He utilizes the Collaborative Cross mouse model of genetic diversity to study cell death and immune responses to Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Gavin received a BS in Biological Chemistry from the University of Chicago.

 Jafira Johnson

Jafira Johnson (Medicine)
Jafira is a PhD student in Dr. Megan Orzalli’s lab. Her research focuses on how tonic interferon signaling in the skin contributes host antiviral defenses. Jafira received her BS in Biological Sciences from the University of Maryland Baltimore County.

 Jesse Lehman

Jesse Lehman (RNA Therapeutics Institute)
Jesse is a PhD student in Dr. Athma Pai’s lab. His research focus is on how kinetic co-regulation of mRNA transcription, splicing, and degradation rates shape the timing of innate immune responses. Jesse received his BS in Biology and Biotechnology from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

 Molly Murphy

Molly Murphy (Medicine)​
Molly is a PhD student in Dr. Neal Silverman’s lab. Her research focus is on the innate immune responses to DNA virus infection in Drosophila. Molly received her BA in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Drew University.

 Marta Pérez-Vázquez

Marta Pérez-Vázquez (Medicine)
Marta is a PhD candidate in Dr. Lee Quinton’s lab. Her research aims to understand innate immunity responses and tissue resilience upon bacterial pulmonary infections by studying mouse lung endothelial cells and LIF, a cytokine known to drive lung tissue protection and resilience during and after pneumonia. Marta received her BS in Biotechnology from the University of Puerto Rico in Ponce and a MS in Biology from Towson University.