The UMass Chan Beckman XL-I Analytical Ultracentrifuge Facility

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Located in Suite 205a of Biotech II (Craig Peterson's Lab)
Our lab has a Beckman Optima XLI analytical ultracentrifuge available. This is a state-of-the-art instrument that facilitates rigorous characterization of the solution state behavior of macromolecules. The instrument is housed in Biotech II, suite 205A (Craig Peterson's Lab). The facility offers a part time technician who is dedicated to operation of the instrument. The XLI is available to all UMass Chan researchers, although preference will be given to the initial user group. If you wish to run samples, simply contact Kim Crowley ( to make arrangements. We strongly urge you to access the recommended websites to investigate the available software packages suitable for data analysis.
General considerations for setting up Centrifugation Experiments