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Services and Fees

image of cell

Morphology Core Facility provides quality services in a timely matter. Services included but not limited to:

  • Routine histological preparations
  • Special stains
  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Frozen sections

All services will be performed on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Service                                                                  **Rates effective 7/31/24  
Service Charge
Light Microscopy
(Price per slide or block) 
Conventional histology    $9.25
Special stains    $11.00
Paraffin unstained    $4.50
Embedding only    $4.50/block 
Cryotomy    $3.00
Cryotomy with Gold plus slides   $4.00
H & E Stain Only           $4.25
Immunohistochemistry*    $12.00
Double Immunohistochemistry   $14.75
Box   $17.00
Grossing   $4.50

* Investigators are asked to order their own antibodies (we only have a few antibodies in stock).

** Rates displayed are for UMASS users. External and Academic users, please inquire at 508-856-5639 or 508-856-1198.