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Our most recent publications:

Dueling Endogenous Viral-Like Sequences Control Synaptic Plasticity
P. Githure M’Angale*, Adrienne Lemieux*, Yumeng Liu*, Jasmine Graslie, Shuhao Wang, Alfred Simkin, Vivian Budnik, Brian A. Kelch, Travis Thomson
2023 doi:

Differences between bacteria and eukaryotes in clamp loader mechanism, a conserved process underlying DNA replication
Landeck, JT., Pajak, J., Norman, EK., Sedivy, EL., Kelch, BA. 
Journal of Biological Chemistry
2024  PMID: 38490435
Chosen as an Editor's Pick

PCNA thermosensitivity underlies an Ataxia Telangiectasia-like disorder

Joseph M Magrino, Veridiana Munford, Davi Jardim Martins, Thais K Homma, Brendan Page, Christl Gaubitz, Bruna L Freire, Antonio M Lerario, Juliana Brandstetter Vilar, Antonio Amorin, Emilia K Leao, Fernando Kok, Carlos F Menck, Alexander A L Jorge, Brian A Kelch
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2023 PMID: 36990216
Highlighted in ASBMB Today magazine: "Biochemists identify cause of rare disease"

Conformational dynamics control assembly of an extremely long bacteriophage tail tube
Agnello, E., Pajak, J., Liu, X., Kelch, BA.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2023 PMID: 36791911
Highlighted in ASBMB Today magazine: "The ‘Rapunzel’ virus: an evolutionary oddity" and on the Cover of JBC! (Cover art by Leonora Martínez-Nuñez, PhD)

Unexpected new insights into DNA clamp loaders: Eukaryotic clamp loaders contain a second DNA site for recessed 5′ ends that facilitates repair and signals DNA damage 
Li, H., O'Donnell, M., Kelch, BA.
BioEssays. 2022 PMID: 36116108

CaMKII binds both substrates and activators at the active site
Osden, C., Sloutsky, R., Mitsugi, T., Santos, N., Agnello, E., Gaubitz, C., Foster, J., Lapinskas, E., Esposito, E., Saneyoshi, T., Kelch, BA, Garman, S., Hayashi, Y., Stratton, M. 
Cell Reports. 2022, PMID: 35830796

A second DNA binding site on RFC facilitates clamp loading on gapped or nicked DNA
Liu, X.*, Gaubitz, C.*, Pajak, J., Kelch, BA
eLife. 2022, PMID: 35731107

Cryo-EM structures reveal high-resolution mechanism of DNA polymerase sliding clamp loader
Gaubitz, C., Lui, X., Pajak, J., Stone, N., Hayes, J., Demo, G., Kelch, BA
eLife. 2022, PMID: 35179493

Atomistic Basis of Force Generation, Translocation, and Coordination in a Viral Genome Packaging Motor.
Pajak, J., Dill, E., Reyes-Aldrete, E., White, M., Kelch, BA, Jardine, PJ, Arya, G., Morais, M.
Nucleic Acids Research. 2021 PMID: 34050764

Viral packaging ATPases utilize a glutamate switch to couple ATPase activity and DNA translocation.
Pajak, J., Atz, R., Hilbert, B., Morais, M., Kelch, B.A., Jardine, P.J,. Arya, G.
PNAS. 2021, PMID: 33888587

Comprehensive Mutational Analysis of the BRCA1-Associated DNA Helicase and Tumor-Suppressor FANCJ/BACH1/BRIP1.
Calvo, JA,  Fritchman, B, Hernandez, D, Persky, NS, Johannessen, CM, Piccioni, F, Kelch, BA, and  Cantor, SB.
Molecular Cancer Research. 2021 Feb 22. PMID: 33619228

Exploring the Evolutionary History of Kinetic Stability in the α-Lytic Protease Family.
Nixon CF, Lim SA, Sailer ZR, Zheludev IN, Gee CL, Kelch BA, Harms MJ, Marqusee S.
Biochemistry. 2021 Jan 26;60(3):170-181. Epub 2021 Jan 12. 

Structure of the human clamp loader reveals an autoinhibited conformation of a substrate-bound AAA+ switch.
Gaubitz C*, Liu X*, Magrino J, Stone NP, Landeck J, Hedglin M, Kelch BA.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Sep 22;117(38):23571-23580. Epub 2020 Sep 9. 

A thermophilic phage uses a small terminase protein with a fixed helix-turn-helix geometry.
Hayes JA, Hilbert BJ, Gaubitz C, Stone NP, Kelch BA.
J Biol Chem. 2020 Mar 20;295(12):3783-3793. Epub 2020 Feb 3.

Principles for enhancing virus capsid capacity and stability from a thermophilic virus capsid structure.
Stone NP, Demo G, Agnello E, Kelch BA.
Nat Communications. 2019 Oct 2;10(1):4471. 

Effective mismatch repair depends on timely control of PCNA retention on DNA by the Elg1 complex.
Paul Solomon Devakumar LJ, Gaubitz C, Lundblad V, Kelch BA, Kubota T.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 May 22. pii: gkz441. 

A Hyperthermophilic Phage Decoration Protein Suggests Common Evolutionary Origin with Herpesvirus Triplex Proteins and an Anti-CRISPR Protein.
Stone NP, Hilbert BJ, Hidalgo D, Halloran KT, Lee J, Sontheimer EJ, Kelch BA.
Structure. 2018 Jul 3;26(7):936-947.e3.

Substrate sequence selectivity of APOBEC3A implicates intra-DNA interactions.
Silvas TV, Hou S, Myint W, Nalivaika E, Somasundaran M, Kelch BA, Matsuo H, Kurt Yilmaz N, Schiffer CA.
Sci Rep. 2018 May 14;8(1):7511.

Crystal structure of APOBEC3A bound to single-stranded DNA reveals structural basis for cytidine deamination and specificity.
Kouno T, Silvas TV, Hilbert BJ, Shandilya SMD, Bohn MF, Kelch BA, Royer WE, Somasundaran M, Kurt Yilmaz N, Matsuo H, Schiffer CA
Nat Commun. 2017

The large terminase DNA packaging motor grips DNA with its ATPase domain for cleavage by the flexible nuclease domain.
Hilbert BJ, Hayes JA, Stone NP, Xu RG, Kelch BA
Nucleic Acids Res. 2017

The lord of the rings: Structure and mechanism of the sliding clamp loader.
Kelch BA
Biopolymers. 2016

A Disease-Causing Variant in PCNA Disrupts a Promiscuous Protein Binding Site.
Duffy CM, Hilbert BJ, Kelch BA
J Mol Biol. 2016

Structure and mechanism of the ATPase that powers viral genome packaging.
Hilbert BJ, Hayes JA, Stone NP, Duffy CM, Sankaran B, Kelch BA
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015

The ssDNA Mutator APOBEC3A Is Regulated by Cooperative Dimerization.
Bohn MF, Shandilya SMD, Silvas TV, Nalivaika EA, Kouno T, Kelch BA, Ryder SP, Kurt-Yilmaz N, Somasundaran M, Schiffer CA
Structure. 2015

Publications prior to UMass Chan Medical School:

A structural role for the PHP domain in E. coli DNA polymerase III.
Barros T, Guenther J, Kelch B, Anaya J, Prabhakar A, O'Donnell M, Kuriyan J, Lamers MH
BMC Struct Biol. 2013

Functional modulation of a protein folding landscape via side-chain distortion.
Kelch BA, Salimi NL, Agard DA
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012

Clamp loader ATPases and the evolution of DNA replication machinery.
Kelch BA, Makino DL, O'Donnell M, Kuriyan J
BMC Biol. 2012

How a DNA polymerase clamp loader opens a sliding clamp.
Kelch BA, Makino DL, O'Donnell M, Kuriyan J
Science. 2011

The mechanism of ATP-dependent primer-template recognition by a clamp loader complex.
Simonetta KR, Kazmirski SL, Goedken ER, Cantor AJ, Kelch BA, McNally R, Seyedin SN, Makino DL, O'Donnell M, Kuriyan J
Cell. 2009

Mesophile versus thermophile: insights into the structural mechanisms of kinetic stability.
Kelch BA, Agard DA
J Mol Biol. 2007

Structural and mechanistic exploration of acid resistance: kinetic stability facilitates evolution of extremophilic behavior.
Kelch BA, Eagen KP, Erciyas FP, Humphris EL, Thomason AR, Mitsuiki S, Agard DA
J Mol Biol. 2007

Mediation by indole analogues of electron transfer during oxygen activation in variants of Escherichia coli ribonucleotide reductase R2 lacking the electron-shuttling tryptophan 48.
Saleh L, Kelch BA, Pathickal BA, Baldwin J, Ley BA, Bollinger JM
Biochemistry. 2004

The 0.83 A resolution crystal structure of alpha-lytic protease reveals the detailed structure of the active site and identifies a source of conformational strain.
Fuhrmann CN, Kelch BA, Ota N, Agard DA
J Mol Biol. 2004