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Hands On Learning

Currently, the ‘Anatomage Skills Lab’ is a rather minimalist and uninspiring room with the Anatomage table in the center and a projector for the related software InVivo. In the new Innovations Lab, we have reimagined this space as ‘The C.A.V.E.’ - a homefor Communicating Anatomy through Virtual Experience. The rooms resources have been expanded to include a home for the HoloLens setup and an augmented reality experience provided by the company 3D4Medical these resources give us more roots through which to connect the medical school with the clinical environment. This is an inspiring learning environment for students andclinicians alike to expand their anatomical knowledge and technological skill sets. In addition, this space gives us a more comprehensible way of communicating healthcare experiences with the community. We see The C.A.V.E. as a technological highlight of any tour of iCels.

The Laboratory

Our physical modeling and engineering lab space is currently a portion of a bench in the SIM engineering lab. As yet there are no readily identifiable spaces to expand into. Unless an additional space on the second floor can be identified we suggested a more ‘concrete’ division of the SIM engineering space be defined. The innovations lab requires space for the 3-D printing cluster, physical manufacturing, and modeling, painting, storage etc. additionally we need room to expand as required as new ideas and technologies are put in use.