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Meet The Alumni Series


IndEx: Meet the Alumni Series

Transitioning from UMass Med into Industry


Amanda Monahan 

Amanda Monahan, PhD

“Self-reflect, put yourself out there and realize that your success in breaking into industry falls on you and you alone!"

Published May 1st, 2018

Click here to view Amanda's Interview!



Ami Ashar-Patel

Ami Ashar-Patel, PhD

“It is never too early to connect with people and build professional relationships!"

Published March 22nd, 2018

Click here to view Ami's Interview!




Ayşegül Özen, PhD

“Networking is the key to land on any job, industry or academia!

Published February 21st, 2018

Click here to view Ayşegül's interview!



Aditya Venkatesh, Ph.D.

Aditya Venkatesh, PhD

“The best advice I have for you is to put yourself out there!”

Published January 10th, 2018

Click here to view Aditya's interview!