Clinical Care
The Division of General Internal Medicine provides clinical excellence in primary care to the community’s adult population. Clinical services include: adult and adolescent primary care, cancer screenings, cardiovascular risk assessment, comprehensive medical evaluation, depression screening, geriatric assessment, longitudinal coordinated care, medical consultation services, patient education, preventive health maintenance, routine physical examinations, school health and employment examinations, travel medicine, infectious disease management and immunizations, and an urgent care center which includes a Saturday walk-in clinic. GIM continues to expand embedded specialty care, which currently includes primary care Dermatology, Rheumatology, Psychology, Psychiatry, and Social Services. A number of faculty participate on the in-patient service taking care of hospitalized patients and the division also has a faculty member who specializes in transitional care of patients discharged from the hospital into the outpatient setting.
The Division of GIM is also actively involved in UMass Memorial Health's population health initiatives. This includes quality metrics measured through all payers, including commercial and government payers. The Division has the largest footprint in our Accountable Care Organization and is a critical partner for the ACO and Primary Care First Initiatives. GIM is the first medical center-based practice to have created a Transitionist position to specifically focus on the care of patients discharged from the hospital in an effort to promote excellent transitions of care and reduce re-admissions. The Division has hired a former Hospitalist for this position. GIM has continued to be a leader in population health efforts and works closely with the Office of Clinical Integration to promote panel management and value-based care. We are working with the Office of Clinical Integration to embed a Care Manager into the practice and partner with Pharmacy Services for pharmacist assistance with hospital discharges who are on high-risk medications or multiple medications.
GIM works with complex patients who benefit most from the preventive medicine and complex chronic disease management philosophies that are promoted by these programs, allowing for the division to be an important driver of these programs. These programs have been successful, both in improved outcomes and in health care savings.
Lastly, GIM has been one of two pilot sites for clinic redesign/clinic Transformation which has involved provider-medical office assistant partnerships for pre-visit planning, advanced rooming, visit wrap-up, and has been a pioneer in team-based care. GIM has been successfully building this program for two years and this prototype will hopefully become the blueprint for all ambulatory practices. The successes of our ambulatory initiatives and the manner in which our clinic has embraced the standards of respect and care innovations around provider-staff partnerships has led to this clinic receiving Tier 1 recognition in 2016, 2018 and 2020, the highest possible recognition a clinic can receive for clinic staff engagement. It is extremely uncommon for a clinic of this size to receive this recognition and also quite rare to receive these three consecutive measurement periods.
We provide quality primary care to our community's adult population that is comprehensive, accessible, and patient-centered. The Division demonstrates leadership in academic primary care medicine by fostering research and other scholarly activities and continues to play a central role in the education of medical students, residents, and other health care providers. We provide guidance and leadership in health care delivery and quality improvement in ambulatory medicine.
Clinical services include:
- Adult and Adolescent Primary Care
- Cancer Screening
- Cardiovascular Risk Assessment
- Comprehensive Medical Evaluation
- Depression Screening
- Evaluation of Eating Disorders
- Executive Health Evaluation
- Geriatric Assessment
- Longitudinal Coordinated Care
- Medical Consultation Services
- Occupational Medicine
- Patient Education
- Preventive Health Maintenance
- Routine Physical Examinations
- School Health and Employment Examinations
- Travel Medicine and Immunizations
- Urgent Care Center
- Saturday Urgent Care Walk-In Clinic