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Clinical Trial Resources


Clinical Trials and the National Institute for Health

ClinicalTrials.gov is a service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). It is a registry and results database of publicly and privately supported clinical studies of human participants conducted around the world.

A new NIH Site helping Researchers Collaborate on Clinical Trials

A new Collaboration Opportunities website, sponsored by the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Consortium, is designed to help researchers post requests for needed collaborators and search for opportunities to collaborate with others. Postings can be for either developing projects or for more established projects in need of collaborators. Projects should address an interesting question in clinical or translational science. If you want to be notified when colleagues post projects, please subscribe at CollabOppNotice.

Federal Regulations and Guidelines regarding Clinical Trials

Code of Federal Regulations Title 21: CFR
Food & Drugs: Title 21
Investigational New Drug Applications: Part 312
Drugs for Human use: Subchapter D
Orphan Drugs: Part 316
E6 Good Clinical Practice Guidelines: PDF

Gene Therapy Net

Gene Therapy Net is a web resource for patients and professionals interested in gene therapy. The objectives of Gene Therapy Net are to be the information resource for basic and clinical research in gene therapy, cell therapy, and genetic vaccines, and to serve as a network in the exchange of information and news related to above areas. In addition, Gene Therapy Net provides an overview for sponsors and researchers of the different international regulations and guidelines associated with clinical gene therapy trials.

For a full list of Gene Therapy Societies visit Gene Therapy Net – Societies

Best Practices for US-Based Sponsor-Investigators and their Institutions: View Online


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