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Meet our Outreach Team! Established in 2023, the Outreach Office works to communicate the awesome science in the department with the world around us.

  • Haley R. Barlow

    Haley R. Barlow , PhD

    Sr. Program Manager of Outreach

    Type: Outreach Team

    Dr. Barlow trained as a cell and developmental biologist at UT Southwestern Medical Center. She believes all science can be communicated to anyone and is committed to reducing barriers to scientific information.

    Expertise: science writing for a lay audience, social media, DEI-centered community engagement, web design, marketing.

    Office: LRB 828
    Phone: 508-856-3314
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  • Kathy Drolet

    Kathy Drolet

    Admin Coordinator III

    Type: Outreach Team

    Kathy supports the Outreach Team's efforts using her expertise in coordinating events, managing projects, budget management, and website updating

    Office: LRB 927
    Phone: 508-856-4601
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  • Leonora Martinez Núñez

    Leonora Martinez Núñez , PhD

    Sr. Program Manager of Outreach

    Type: Outreach Team

    Dr. Martínez Núñez is a microbiologist and scientific illustrator with postdoctoral training in protein biochemistry. Leonora combines her scientific expertise with digital art to bridge the gap and make science more approachable and engaging.

    Expertise: Visual scientific communications, 3D scientific Illustration, animation, graphic design, social media, and community outreach.  

    Office: LRB 828
    Phone: 508-856-3314
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  • Sean Ryder

    Sean Ryder , PhD

    Professor & Vice Chair for Outreach

    Type: Outreach Team

    Dr. Ryder studies the mechanisms of early embryogenesis and how information is passed from one generation to the next at the molecular level. He is passionate about both research and scientific communication and believes that science and community are inextricably linked.

    Interests: RNA regulation, developmental biology, teaching, mentorship, and community.

    Office: LRB 906
    Phone: 508-856-1372
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