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    New Law & Psychiatry Brief Youth Reoffending: Prevalence and Predictive Risk Factors in Two States

    Youth Protective Factors Study—a first-of-its-kind research collaboration with our Law & Psychiatry team, CSG Justice Center, and UC Berkeley’s Risk-Resilience Lab. “Youth Reoffending: Prevalence and Predictive Risk Factors in Two States” is the first brief associated with this study. 

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    Upcoming Webinar: The Youth Protective Factors Study

    Gina Vincent, PhD, Law & Psychiatry Co-Program Director and Co-Principal Researcher of the study, will share key findings for this initial analysis, including research-based strategies for juvenile justice supervision, case planning, and service delivery to enhance public safety and improve youth outcomes.  

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    Transitions ACR Awarded the NIDILRR Learning & Working RRTC 5-Year Grant for the 4th Time

    iSPARC and Transitions ACR Researchers Marsha Ellison, PhD, and Michelle Mullen, PhD, were awarded the NIDILRR Learning & Working Rehabilitation Research Training Center 5-year grant (2024-2029). 

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    New CeKTER KT Academy Webinar "Equity in Data Visualization"

    Join us for the next CeKTER KT Academy webinar on Sept. 19th from 3-4 EST.

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