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August 2016:  Jakob Fuhrmann’s paper was published in the August issue of Cell Chemical Biology. This paper describes the development of a suite of activity based probes targeting the arginine phosphatase YwlE. Notably, these probes were used to show that controlled by the redox status of the cell,wherein redox YwlE activity is stress inactivates YwlE, via the formation of a disulfide bond, leading to increased activity of the cognate protein arginine kinase and activation of the bacterial stress response.


June 2015: University of Massachusetts announces $1.17 million in faculty awards. Read more


December 2014: Dr. Thompson has relocated from Scripps University to the UMass Chan Medical School In the Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Department.

December 2014: Min and Jakob's paper, "PRMT5 Catalyzes Substrate Dimethylation in a Distributive Fashion", was just accepted in Biochemistry.

December 2014: Venkat's paper, "Utilization of the soft agar colony formation assay to identify inhibitors of tumorigenicity in breast cancer cells", was just accepted in the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE).


May 2011: Jessica’s recent paper in ACS Chemical Biology was the 7th most read paper in the first quarter of 2011.

March 2011: Paul published his 50th paper.


December 2010: Obi, Jessica, Justin, and Kevin all received their PhD degrees from the University of South Carolina!  Congratulations to all!