Current Health Issues
COVID-19 Protocol for UMASS Chan Students
If you have COVID-19 Symptoms
Anyone experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should stay off campus and take an at-home rapid test. PCR tests are no longer available through SHS. Note that a negative test result using an at-home rapid test does not reliably rule out COVID-19 infection because rapid tests are less sensitive than PCR tests. Repeating an at-home test at 48 hours will improve the likelihood of detecting a COVID-19 infection. Regardless of the test result, you should contact SHS for return to class/clinical guidance.
If your COVID-19 PCR test is NEGATIVE, you may return to class/clinical if you meet all the following conditions:
- No fever in the last 24 hours without having taken Acetaminophen/Tylenol, Aspirin, Naproxen or Ibuprofen
- No diarrhea or vomiting
- No persistent cough
Anyone returning to campus with symptoms will need to wear a mask on campus until symptoms resolve.
If your COVID-19 test is POSITIVE, you may return to class/ clinical only after being cleared by Student Health on day 5 and meet all the following conditions below. Students are required to e-mail and cc. Dr. Phillip Fournier at to report current symptoms for review.
Students do not need to complete a second COVID-19 test to return.
- If it has been more than 5 days since your positive test. The day you test positive with COVID-19 is considered Day 0. Your earliest return to class/ clinical is Day 6. For example, if you test positive on Feb. 1, you could return to class/clinical on Feb. 7.
- No fever in the last 24 hours without having taken Acetaminophen/Tylenol, Aspirin, Naproxen or Ibuprofen
- No diarrhea or vomiting
- No persistent cough
In addition, the following steps must be taken following a POSITIVE test:
- If you are at risk for severe covid due to any underlying cardiac, respiratory, or immune compromise or any other medical conditions you can self-refer by calling the Covid Treatment line. They will screen you to determine if you are a candidate for treatment. FYI: Some treatments must be completed by day 5 of symptom onset. Their number is 1 (800) 431-5151
- Please continue to monitor your symptoms and please reach out to Student Health if you have any questions or concerns (508) 334-8464
- If you were in a clinical setting within 48-72 hrs. prior to the onset of symptoms or positive test, please be sure to contact the Employee Health (EH) of that institution to let them know. If it was a UMMHC site, the EH number is (508) 793-6400
- Please note that it is not recommended to complete a COVID PCR test for 90 days after you have been positive as this test may remain positive up to that time
- On days 6-10, you must wear a mask while in any Medical School facility. During this time, you may only remove your mask briefly (15 minutes or less) while eating and should consume any food while alone or at least 10-feet from others
- Please note that the Office of Student Life has rapid COVID-19 tests available for students to pick up as needed
- Please visit the CDC website for additional guidance