Unparalleled digital medicine research and expertise
The UMass Chan Program in Digital Medicine houses the combined subject matter, clinical, and research expertise in digital medicine of our core faculty across the UMass ecosystem with focus areas including but not limited to artificial intelligence, machine learning, wearables, digital therapeutics, software-as-a-medical-device (SaMD), natural language processing, EMR abstraction, and much, much more.
Program in Digital Medicine Leadership

Honghuang Lin, PhD
Focus: Bioinformatics analysis of multi-omics data, Digital phenotyping, Machine learning modeling

Neil Marya, MD
Focus: AI/ML models for image analysis, diagnostics, and digital pathology

Apurv Soni, MD, PhD
Focus: Risk prediction and stratification models; digital site-less trials; implementation science, pragmatic trials, and health equity

David McManus, MD, ScM
Executive Sponsor
Focus: Mobile and digital health technologies, pragmatic trials, implementation science

Eric Alper, MD
Executive Sponsor
Focus: health technology ethics
Program in Digital Medicine Faculty
The UMass Chan Program in Digital Medicine houses the combined subject matter, clinical, and research expertise in digital medicine of our core faculty across the UMass ecosystem with the shared vision to develop technologies and digital health programs that benefit patients; evaluate them for in-patient / ambulatory / home-based care and deploy them within our health system; and assess impact via state-of-the-art implementation science. Our subject matter expertise spans artificial intelligence, machine learning, wearables, digital therapeutics, software-as-a-medical-device (SaMD), natural language processing, EMR abstraction, and much, much more. Our areas of excellence include:
Clinical Decision Support and Implementation Science
Development and integration of AI tools | Co-design of new digital medicine workflows | Patient and provider-centered design
Remote Monitoring and Mobile Health
Wearable technology and biosensors | Point-of-care diagnostics | Prescriptive surveillance
Pragmatic Digital Studies and Comparative Effectiveness
E-Cohorts and site-less studies | Democratizing trial participation through digital tools | Prioritization of “real world” health challenges and equity
Edwin D. Boudreaux, PhD
Digital medicine for behavioral health, especially suicide prevention, digital health software development and deployment, leveraging EHR tools to improve care, and predictive analytics using EHR data
Stephanie Carreiro, MD, PhD
Digital biomarkers for substance use and mental health disorders, machine learning/AI applications of wearables, digital personalized medicine
Nisha Fahey, DO, MSc
Digital technologies to improve maternal child health and reduce health inequity
Jamie Faro, PhD
Wearables for physical activity promotion in chronic disease populations; wearable device EHR integration; novel technology for care coordination
Kimberly Fisher, MD
Digital technologies to support patient-provider communication, medication adherence, and healthcare provider education
Ben Gerber, MD, MPH
mHealth, medical informatics, telehealth, data science
Nathaniel Hafer, PhD
Point of care technology development, commercialization, entrepreneurship
Julie E. LeMoine, PhD
Use of eXtended Reality (XR) [with focus on inclusive design] for health and well-being, including Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and 3D gaming
Kathleen Mazor, EdD, MS
Novel applications of video-based communication, implementation science, patients' perceptions of health care innovation
Constantinos (Taki) Michaelidis, MD, MBA, MS
Virtual acute care (Hospital at Home), mobile integrated health, remote patient monitoring
Laurel O'Connor, MD
Digitally augmented mobile care delivery, predictive analytics, informatics
Mark O’Connor, MD
Wearables for diabetes management
Mayra Tisminetzky, MD, PhD, MPH
Novel technologies for chronic disease diagnosis and management