The Power of Our Community
While a gift from one individual can make a small difference, gifts coming from a community can make a statement that we, as members of this institution, are committed in our professional and personal lives to making this state, country and world a better place to live. We all have reasons for supporting specific charitable organizations that are meaningful and impactful in our lives. The strength of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign (COMECC) is that we have the opportunity to donate to one of these worthwhile charities, and
we can do so as a member of a community, reinforcing UMass Chan Medical School’s mission for improving the well-being of the people of the commonwealth and the world.
Employees are encouraged to pledge on line through the COMECC website where they can:
- Download a blank pledge card form
- Search the Charities database
- Donate online (login and registration required)
For additional information please contact Glady McRell or Jesse Edwards by calling ext. 6-4400
Campaign Chair:
Jim Leary, JD Vice-Chancellor for Community and Government Relations