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LISTEN: How schools can help with pediatric asthma

For nearly a decade, asthma clinical researcher Michelle K. Trivedi, MD'09, MPH, has been studying how school-based asthma programs can improve outcomes for historically marginalized children. In a new Voices of UMass Chan podcast, Dr. Trivedi, associate professor of pediatrics, explains how her research is focused on better understanding how asthma impacts these children and on developing strategies that harness pediatric practices and schools to improve asthma outcomes.

“We know that asthma rates and morbidity disproportionately impact low-income and racial and ethnic minority children,” Trivedi said. "The schools are really a great access point, because nearly all children go to school. And so that is an area where we can focus our energy and bring innovation so that we're able to reach more and more children."

Listen to the full podcast to learn more about Dr. Trivedi’s research: If you have a Voices of UMass Chan episode idea, please email