The 2021 UMass Chan Medical School Women’s Faculty Awards, which honor women in science and health care for achievements in early career development, clinical service, mentoring, science and health, education, and community service, were presented during virtual proceedings on Monday, May 24.
Laurel O’Connor, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine; Katherine Callaghan, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology; Mary Ahn, MD, professor of psychiatry and vice provost for faculty affairs; Anne Garrison, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology; Stephenie Lemon, PhD, the Marcellette G. Williams Scholar and professor of population & quantitative health sciences; and Susan Swain, PhD, professor of pathology; were honored.
Milagros Rosal, PhD, the Imoigele P. Aisiku, MD’97 Chair in Health Equity and Diversity, professor of population & quantitative health sciences and vice provost for health equity, presented the keynote speech, “Faculty diversity at UMass Chan Medical School: Where we are, what we are doing and what you can do to help.” She reviewed why diversity in academic medicine is essential and metrics for women and underrepresented minorities in medicine at UMass Chan, and delved into the actions underway to increase their representation.
Mary Ahn, MD, vice provost for faculty affairs, noted the results of these efforts. She said 10 of 21 promotions to full professor in 2020 went to women and there was an increasing percentage of women in leadership positions, notably 83 percent of vice provosts.
“We still have work to do but have made strides,” said Dr. Ahn. “Congratulations to today’s winners and thanks to all of the outstanding women faculty at all levels of UMass Chan Medical School.”
“This is truly a memorable group with impacts being felt across all of our mission areas,” said Terence R. Flotte, MD, the Celia and Isaac Haidak Professor, executive deputy chancellor, provost and dean of the School of Medicine, in closing remarks. “In addition to being an inspiration to the rest of the faculty, the work that is being done by all of you is also a great point of pride for the institution “
The recipients of the 2021 awards sponsored by the Women’s Faculty Committee of the Diversity and Inclusion Office are:

Outstanding Mentoring to Women Faculty Award
Mary Ahn, MD, professor of psychiatry and vice provost for faculty affairs

Excellence in Clinical Service Award
Katherine Callaghan, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Sarah Stone Excellence in Education Award
Anne Garrison, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology

Outstanding Community Service Award
Stephenie Lemon, PhD, professor of population & quantitative health sciences

Early Career Achievement in Science & Health Award
Laurel O’Connor, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine

Women in Science & Health Achievements Award
Susan Swain, PhD, professor of pathology