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Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Axon Degeneration 2nd International Workshop

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Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Axon Degeneration
2nd International Workshop

Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA
Oct 26-28, 2008

Michael Coleman (Babraham Institute, Cambridge)
Marc R. Freeman (UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester)

This workshop will focus on recent advances in our understanding axon auto-destruction after injury, neuroprotective effects of Wlds, and molecular events that result in axon loss in various central and peripheral neuropathies.  The meeting will include seminars by invited speakers and poster presentations by postdoctoral associates and graduate students.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Ben Barres (Stanford University)
  • Christine Beattie (Ohio State University, Columbus)
  • Lucy Broom (University of Southampton)
  • Michael Coleman (Babraham Institute, Cambridge, UK)
  • Marc Freeman (University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester)
  • Thomas Gillingwater (University of Edinburgh)
  • Larry Goldstein (University of California, San Diego, La Jolla)
  • Jack Griffin (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore)
  • Zhigang He (Children’s Hospital, Boston)
  • Ahmet Hoke (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore)
  • Erika Holzbaur (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
  • Bradley Hyman (Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown)
  • Simon John (The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor)
  • Martin Kerschensteiner (Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich)
  • Eva-Maria Mandelkow (Max-Planck Institute, Hamburg)
  • Jeff Milbrandt (Washington University, St. Louis)
  • Thomas Misgeld (Technical University of Munich)
  • Klaus-Armin Nave (Max Planck Institute, Göttingen)
  • Zu-Hang Sheng (NINDS, Bethesda)
  • Marc Tessier-Lavigne (Genentech)
  • Ryan Watts (Genentech)
  • Zhenyu Yue (Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York)
  • Stephan Zuchner (University of Miami Miller School of Medicine)


  • Wallerian degeneration and axon protection by Wlds
  • Neuron-glia interactions in development and disease
  • Role of mitochondria in axon growth and stability
  • Axonopathy in Alzheimer's disease
  • Mechanisms of axon degeneration in neurodegenerative disease

Registration:  Students $50, Non-student academic $200, Non-academic $400.  Room and board single occupancy $315.00, double occupancy $230.00.   Registration also includes all coffee breaks and evening mixers.   Registration will close September 20, 2008.

Abstracts:  Presentations by students and postdoctoral associates are strongly encouraged.  Please submit abstracts directly to Marc Freeman ( before September 15, 2008.  Meeting questions can also be referred to Marc Freeman or to Michael Coleman (

Woods Hole MBL:  Questions about Woods Hole should be direct to Judith Taylor ( or 508-289-7214.



Please click here to view the 2008 Axon Meeting Program.pdf