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On-Line Registration for the NEGEA 2013 Annual Retreat is Now Closed!

On-site registration fees are listed below.

Due to the huge response during pre-registration we will NOT be able to accept in person/on-site registrations EXCEPT if you are participating in the conference (speaker, presenter, poster, moderator, etc.). Please contact us with any questions about registration.

On-Line Registration Fees
2-Day Conference Registration: $325.00
1-Day Conference Registration: $195.00
Student/Resident Conference Registration: $60.00

Note: Hardcopy registration is available (i.e., payment by check); however, hardcopy fees apply.

DEADLINE for on-line registration is March 21, 2013. After March 21, registration is on-site only.

Hardcopy/On-Site Registration Fees
2-Day Conference Registration: $375.00
1-Day Conference Registration: $225.00
Student/Resident Conference Registration: $75.00

Other Registration Fees

Continuing Medical Education Credit (CME) Registration Fee: $60.00
MERC Workshop Registration Fee: $50 per session

Exhibitors: Interested parties should contact Karen Harrington at for more information.

Cancellation Policy