We recommend that you prepare your submission in a word processing application (Word, Works, Pages) and then paste each section onto its online submission page.
In addition to the abstract itself (see Session Types and Review Criteria), you will be required to provide the following information when submitting your proposal:
- Name and contact information of presenting author (this may or may not be the first author). This person should be the one who will be attending the meeting and responsible for presenting the session and will be considered the main contact for this meeting.
- Name and institution of first and subsequent authors (even if same as presenting author)
- Category of Submission: UGME Pre-Clerkship; UGME Clerkship; GME; CME; Other
- Type of Submission: Short Communication, Poster, Either Short Communication or Poster, Workshop, Problem-Solving Session
- For short communication or poster, check whether Research in Medical Education or Innovation in Medical Education category
- Abstract title: 50 character limit
- Abstract length: Short Communication or Poster (300-word limit), Workshop or Problem-Solving Session (500-word limit)
Step-by-Step Instructions for Submission
Please Note: When completing the abstract submission, the submission session will be automatically terminated after 30 minutes of inactivity and all information entered will be lost.
- Go to
- Click the Sign In link at the top of the page and log in using your AAMC login information. If you do not have an AAMC login, please click Register to create an AAMC account. You will need to remember your login for future use. If you believe that you already have an AAMC account, use the help links located on the Sign In page to secure a reminder
- Select Manage Submission from the left navigation column
- Select Submit a Submission/Proposal for Consideration
- Enter your Submission Title
- Event - Select the Northeast Group on Educational Affairs Spring 2013 Meeting from the Event drop-down box
- Call - Select the all that relates to the type of abstract that is being submitted: either NEGEA Educational Retreat Spring Meeting 2013 Call for Workshop or Problem-Solving Session OR NEGEA Educational Retreat Spring Meeting 2013 Call for Short Communication or Poster
- Select a Submission Type [Workshop, Problem-Solving Session, Short Communication, Poster, Either Short Communication or Poster]
- Topic - Select topic(s) covered
- Authors - Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Add Primary [presenting] Author/Contact. Use the following instructions to add yourself and other individuals as authors (presenters)
- After all authors have been added, click Next.
- Enter the text describing your session in the box marked Submission Text (500 words maximum for Workshops and Problem-Solving Sessions; 300 words maximum for Posters and Short Communications).
- If you have references to your abstract, please submit them under Supporting Documents.
- Click Submit.
- Once you have entered all your information, click Save, to complete your submission. The primary contact will receive an email confirming that the submission has been received.
For on-line abstract submission technical support contact:
Stephen McKenzie
Phone: 202- 862-6051
For content-related questions regarding retreat program or abstract submission contact:
Carol Capello, PhD
Phone: 212-746-1093