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How can you support us and our research?

If paying with a Debit or Credit Card:

1) Click this link
2) Click on "secure online giving form"
3) Choose amount
4) Under Designations*, select "Other UMass Chan Funds or select multiple funds"
5) Scroll all the way down to "Other" and slect this option, and click "Continue"
6) Under "Selected Designations", use the "Please specific what fund" field and type in "UMass Neuroimmunology and MS Research and Education Fund"
If paying with Check:

Please make checks payable to UMass Chan Foundation- UMass Neuroimmunology and MS Research and Education fund and mail to:

UMass Chan Medical School
Office of Advancment
333 South Street
Shrewsbury, MA 01545

There are may ways to contibute to UMass or the MS Center specifically to support and sustain research and advance patient care in MS. Your gifts will help fund ourinnovative efforts and committment to improve the lives of persons with MS.