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Collaborative Partners:

Movement Disorders Clinic
Anindita Deb, MD
Kara Smith, MD

Neurological Rehabilitation and Recovery Clinic
Andrew Galica, MD

Paula Bellin, MD is a board-certified urologist with a special interest in female urology, incontinence, and kidney stones. She is a staff Urologist at UMMHC and Hahnemann Hospital. In addition to her residency training in Urology she has completed a further year of subspecialty training in Neuro-Urology (bladder impairments with neurologic illness).  

Clinical Neuropsychologist
Joan M. Swearer, PhD is a Professor and Clinical neuropsychologist; her research includes clinical features and treatment of dementing illnesses, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. 

Additional Support Services

     Physical Therapy
     Occupational Therapy
     Bracing Services
     Speech Therapy and Cognitive Retraining
     Behavioral Health
     Nutritional care and weight loss program
     Wound Care