MassBiologics Today
460 Walk Hill Street
Boston, MA 02126
Main: 617-474-3000
800: 1-800-457-4626
E-mail: information@massbiologics.org
MassBiologics, located in Boston, is the only non-profit, FDA-licensed manufacturer of vaccines in the United States. For over 100 years, MassBiologics has worked to improve public health through applied research, development and production of biologic products including vaccines, plasma derivatives and, most recently, monoclonal antibodies. MassBiologics currently manufactures Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoids, Adsorbed (Td) vaccine and distributes products nationwide.
MassBiologics’ mission is to discover and develop products that will significantly improve public health. This includes products for smaller patient populations due to limited incidence of disease (orphan products), uncertain markets as new challenges to public health arise, or products for developing nations with limited resources and unique needs.
For more information or to contact MassBiologics, please visit the main website
For more information about the UMass Chan Medical School visit
The Lamar Soutter Library
For additional information about vaccines, public health or MassBiologics or to view some of the information used in the production of this website:
MassBiologics Website – http://www.umassmed.edu/massbiologics/history.aspx
History of Vaccines Website: A Project of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia – http://www.historyofvaccines.org/
The Center for the History of Medicine at Countway Library at Harvard Medical School – https://www.countway.harvard.edu/menuNavigation/chom.html
The records of Health and Human Services, which include the department of Public Health, at the Massachusetts State Archives - http://www.sec.state.ma.us/arc/arcidx.htm
The Public Health Museum in Tewksbury, MA – http://publichealthmuseum.org/
George Rosen’s book A History of Public Health. Expanded Edition. Published by the Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1993.