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General Information

The IMP qualifying exam consists of the preparation and oral defense of a research proposal and a test of general knowledge. Both the oral defense of the proposal and the test of general knowledge take place on the same day. The student’s examining committee will be appointed by the appropriate IMP Graduate Director. Each student must successfully complete the Qualifying Exam on or before May 28th of their second year. A student who has not completed the Exam by May 28th will not be eligible for a stipend, unless an exception has been voted by the Immunology & Microbiology Program Faculty.

Please refer to the Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Standards Document for additional general information about the exam.


  1. Title due beginning of February.
  2. Qualifying Exam Committee or Research Advisory Committee appointed by 10 days later.
  3. Abstract of research proposal due two weeks after title submission.
  4. Final abstract due on or before 6 weeks after title submission.
  5. Proposal due four weeks after abstract acceptance date.
  6. Qualifying exam scheduled >10 days after proposal submission and on or before May 15.

 2014 QE Info and Standards