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Research/Quality Improvement

Fellow presenting a poster

All fellows are expected to conduct clinical or basic research in Endocrinology during their training. Significant protected time is given to fellows in their second year. Trainees who are dedicated to a career in research and academic medicine may be eligible for a three-year research fellowship in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, with the last two years spent heavily in research.

Research in Diabetes and Endocrinology is contained in a spectrum of departments including the Division of Diabetes, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes Endocrinology Research Center (NIH-sponsored) and the Diabetes Center of Excellence.

Fellows are also expected to participate in quality improvement projects during their training. Our fellows complete the GME Quality curriculum and Patient Safety curriculum. Several fellows have volunteered, with the program’s full support, to be part of the Interprofessional Trainee Quality Council (ITQC), which provides opportunity for residents and fellows to design and lead QI projects over the course of an academic year and receive a certificate of proficiency. Finally, fellows have also participated in hospital patient safety committees.

Fellows present their research and quality project designs and/or outcomes at yearly division research conferences. Majority of our fellows have also presented their work in national meetings such as the ATA, Endocrine Society, ADA, AACE. The program provides financial support for fellows presenting at these meetings. Fellows are also supported and mentored in submitting work for publication in textbooks and peer-reviewed journals.