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Sharon Cantor, PhD

Research Focus - Defining Replication Stress and Therapy Response Outcomes Regulated by the Fanconi Anemia/BRCA Pathway

  • Characterizing replication stress responses mediated by the Fanconi Anemia/BRCA pathway
  • Defining pathogenic mutations in hereditary breast/ovarian cancer genes
  • Defining and targeting replication stress suppression pathways in cancer
  • Understanding the mechanisms of therapy response and resistance in cancer

Representative Publication

Cong, K, Peng, M, Koushelt, AN, et al. Replication gaps are a key determinant of PARP inhibitor synthetic lethality with BRCA deficiency. Mol Cell. 2021;81(15):3128-3144.e7.

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Getting Results…
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    Research by UMass Chan scientists upends scientific understanding of how anticancer drugs kill cancer

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  • UMass Chan BRIDGE Fund commits $2M in six faculty projects

    UMass Chan BRIDGE Fund commits $2M in six faculty projects

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  • Convocation events 2023

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  • Sharon Cantor and Andres Schanzer appointed to endowed chairs

    Sharon Cantor and Andres Schanzer appointed to endowed chairs

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  • Communicating science: Sharon Cantor discusses drug resistance in breast, ovarian cancer

    Communicating science: Sharon Cantor discusses drug resistance in breast, ovarian cancer

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  • Cantor lab rethinks how common chemotherapy drug used in breast and ovarian cancer works

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  • For GSBS class speaker Sumeet Nayak science brings hope

    For GSBS class speaker Sumeet Nayak science brings hope

    Sumeet Nayak’s research in the lab of Sharon B. Cantor, PhD, has led to a renewed understanding of how cancer develops and has opened up avenues to effectively advance anti-cancer therapies.

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  • UMass Chan researchers forging new understanding of BRCA cancer gene function with NCI grant

    UMMS researchers forging new understanding of BRCA cancer gene function with NCI grant

    A UMass Medical School research team has been awarded a National Cancer Institute grant to advance understanding of how hereditary breast and ovarian cancer genes work, and why tumors lacking these genes are sensitive to chemotherapy.

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