2018 AAMC Healthy Equity Snapshot
UMass Chan PRC’s applied research project, Healthy Kids & Families is featured in the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) 2018 Health Equity Research Snapshot!
The 2018 Health Equity Research Snapshot showcases the videos of seven Prevention Research Centers from across the county. Each PRC is housed within AAMC member medical schools with preventive medicine residency programs. The videos features innovative community-partnered research and explores how people and their communities can avoid or address risks for chronic illnesses. This work demonstrates the commitment that these academic medical centers have in finding ways to promote health and health equity.
When you watch our video (Worcester, MA), you will see how Healthy Kids & Families was created to address health priorities identified in the Greater Worcester Community Health Improvement Plan, as well as to build upon local initiatives that promoted health within the community. The video explains how the research study was developed in collaboration with the Worcester Public Schools and Oak Hill Community Development Corporation and provided opportunities for students to gain experience implementing a research study in the community.
The 2018 Health Equity Research Snapshot is a collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Prevention Research Centers, a network of 26 academic research centers across the country. Enjoy your tour of these research studies by clicking on a city. Ours is labeled Worcester, MA! www.aamc.org/healthequitysnapshot.