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Active Grants:

TITLE:  Outcomes Assessment of a New Model of Primary Clinical/Child
              Psychiatry Collaborative Care
 Meyers Primary Care Institute
 PI:  D. Connor
 To complete an outcomes study of Targeted Child Psychiatric Services, a new and innovative model of primary care pediatrician-child psychiatry collaboration in the assessment, treatment, and management of children with psychiatric need identified in pediatric primary care
 TITLE:  Inpact of Prior Approval for Antidepressants in Medicaid
 NIMH    1 R01 MH069776-01
 PI:  S. Soumerai
 This controlled study investigates the impact of Michigan's prior authorization policy on use and costs of antidepressants and other health services by disabled Medicaid enrollees who are also enrolled in Medicare.
 TITLE:  IP-RISP:  A System for Management of Depression in Medical Illness
NIMH    R24 MH67822-01A2
PI:  T. McLaughlin
The Intervention and Practice Research Infrastructure Support seeks to support conceptual, methodological and organizational development to foster depression intervention research among primary care patients with chronic medical illness.
TITLE:  Stringing the Pearls: Families & Providers as Partners in Expanding
             Medical Home Capacity in Central Massachusetts
HRSA-Maternal & Child Health Bureau
PI:  R. Antonelli
To demonstrate how existing medical home practices can enhance the care delivered to children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) by integrating families as formal quality improvement advisors, and including community based organizations in the process of qulaity improvement, enhancement and spread of medical home will occur.  The most recent National Survey of CSHCN revealed that 52% of CYSHCN have medical homes. In Massachusetts, 48% of parents of CSHCN report receiving effective care coordination.