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Capstone | FOM2 Fall Advisor Selection & Project Proposal

Learning Objectives
  • Identify project advisor
  • Begin to…
    • Articulate project purpose and rationale
    • Define necessary resources and methodologies or processes
    • Outline plan for collecting appropriate resources
    • Describe expected outcome(s) and or product(s)

Use the report worksheet to collect the information required on this CSD FOM2 Advisor Selection & Project Proposal form; plan to submit no later than December 15th. [click here to open the rubric]

Of note: If your advisor has not already completed the Advisor Interest Form (, please request that they do so at their earliest convenience.

Advisor Information

Please check the UMass Chan Faculty Profiles webpage to provide accurate and complete information about your Capstone Project Advisor.

Double-check your Project Advisor's email address to ensure s/he receives notification of your submission.
of note: or

Project Information

Project Inspiration

complete any that apply


Your Project Proposal

Use of Subjects


Please confirm that this is the final version of the FOM2 Fall Advisor Selection and Project Proposal report, and that your Capstone Project Advisor has reviewed your report, provided comments, and determined that it meets expectations.

OPTIONAL | Upload supporting documents | eg, proposal worksheet