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Capstone PROPOSAL Review


For your quick reference, we have included the Rubric "Expected" description below. We ask that you include comments for each rubric category. Comments can be broad; eg, "Goals listed are not clear to this reader - please give more detail re ___". We remind you that comments should be phrased as feedback for the student to read, including significant concerns related to overall design, content, and or possible need for IRB, IACUC, or SAS not addressed by the student.

Reference documents for your convenience...

Thank you so much for taking the time to review the proposals! This is a great opportunity to help the students focus the scope and planning for their project, and we appreciate your supportive reviews. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions about the process or the review itself! ...The Capstone Leadership Team

Capstone Project Proposal RUBRIC

Define Goals and Objectives
RUBRIC Expected: The student explicitly states the basic purposes for the work which includes why the student selected this project, and defines realistic, achievable objectives.

Adequate Preparation (Knowledge Gap, Outline, Resources)
RUBRIC Expected: The student outlines how s/he will gather knowledge and skills focused on the background of his or her specific project (e.g., medical or other literature review, patient history-taking, case review, skills-development, legacy project history) and lists 3-5 resources or experiences that will inform the project (this may include references to projects similar in nature to expected project format). Students must identify the gap that this project addresses (e.g., personal, professional, academic, etc).

  • Clarify Knowledge Gap | Identify the gap that this project addresses (e.g., personal, professional, academic, etc).
  • Provide Outline | Outline how you will gather knowledge and skills focused on the background of your project (e.g., medical or other literature review, patient history-taking, case review, skills development, legacy project history).
  • List Resources | List at least 3-5 resources or experiences that will inform the project (this may include references to projects similar in nature to expected project format).

Appropriate Methods or Processes (Methods/Processes)
RUBRIC Expected: The student clearly describes the project's approach which aligns with goals. The student defines the components of the methodology and explains why these were chosen. Potential challenges are shared as are plans to respond to them, including modification as necessary.

  • Define the components of the methodology and explain why these were chosen.
  • Address potential challenges and plans to respond to them, including modification as necessary.
  • Subject Use Approvals
    • UMass Chan Institutional Review Board (IRB) | human subjects
    • UMass Chan Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) | animal subjects
    • UMass Chan Students as Study Subjects (SAS)
    • UMass Chan Office of Communications | participant videography and photography

Describe Results / Output
RUBRIC Expected: The student outlines the expected results or output, which are clearly linked to goals and objectives.

  • Outline the expected results or output, which are clearly linked to goals and objectives.

Effective Presentation or Dissemination (Deliverables)
RUBRIC Expected: The student describes expected deliverables that align with goals and methods and includes plans for presenting final project to meet course requirement. 

When you have finished your review, please check the appropriate determination. 

  • Complete - NO REVISION Required


Begin Review of the Student Capstone Project Proposal

Goals and Objectives

Adequate Preparation

Methods or Processes

Results | Output

Effective Presentation or Dissemination

Subjects use questions or concerns [IRB | IACUC | SAS]

Additional Feedback for the student

Confidential Comments to the CSD Team