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Center for Advancing Point of Care Technologies announces grant program

The Center for Advancing Point of Care Technologies (CAPCaT), a partnership between UMass Medical School and UMass Lowell, is accepting applications for its pilot grant funding program for innovative projects focused on developing, adapting or validating technologies that can be rapidly applied to heart, lung, blood or sleep disorders.

The center’s mission is to support development, deployment and testing of promising late-stage, point-of-care technologies that can be rapidly deployed to enhance the diagnosis, monitoring, management and treatment of heart, lung, blood and sleep disorders. The center had an additional interest in projects that incorporate complementary and integrative health approaches. CAPCaT is supported by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

Through the center, CAPCat award winners and other interested point-of-care technology researchers will have access to the National Institutes of Health Point of Care Technology Research Network as well as those from the Massachusetts Medical Device Development team, as well as other resources.

CAPCaT pilot grant funding can be used for any of the following purposes:

  • Prototype refinement or optimization;
  • Clinical study startup costs;
  • Equipment costs, especially if used to validate against a “gold-standard;”
  • Manufacturing costs;
  • Investigator time;
  • Research staff time;
  • Travel to present findings at national meetings; and
  • Travel to present to the CAPCaT Steering Committee for discussion of milestone achievement.

The center supports projects that involve refinement of prototypes that require clinical validation or user feedback. Functional prototypes that have been validated, when applicable, will be considered as funding candidates.

The grant will include support for all funded proposals on statistical analyses and clinician feedback; technical and engineering support, when appropriate; and regulatory and business development.

The deadline to begin the application process is March 1. For more information about the grant and CAPCaT, please contact or visit