Open book . . . Ellie Butler, SOM ’13

On Wednesday, the Daily Voice introduces you to a student or resident at UMass Medical School. We’ve asked our subjects to answer a few questions that might reveal a little of their personalities. If you know someone who you’d like to see profiled, let us know at


Ellie Butler is a fourth-year medical student from Worcester. She is a member of Quinsigamond House. butler-elizabeth-spot

Why did you choose UMass Medical School?
I chose UMass Medical School because of its stellar reputation and because my mom went to school here! I grew up hearing about how wonderful UMass is and about all of the great things that people are doing here so it was only natural that I would want to attend and try to be part of such a high-achieving community.

Describe yourself in six words or fewer.
Loving, fun, hard-working, adventurous.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, name three things you would want.
I would want as many books as I could possibly bring, unlimited clean water supply and my family!

If you could have dinner with a famous person, living or dead, who would that be and why?
I would have dinner with Hilary Clinton because I’d really like to see what makes her tick.

What person or experience made you decide to pursue a medical degree and why?
My mother inspired me to pursue a medical degree because of her dedication and love for the field of pediatrics. I always admired how much she cared for her patients and vice versa and can only hope to build up a similar community for myself.

What is the most interesting or challenging job (paid or unpaid) you’ve ever had and what did you learn about yourself?
The most interesting job I’ve ever had is working at a small Mediterranean marketplace because I got to try all of the delicious foods that I would never have eaten if I hadn’t worked there. I also got to try to learn some Greek!

What would your fellow students be surprised to learn about you?
That I work part-time as a brand ambassador.

If UMass Medical School had not been an option, what would you be doing right now?
I would be a kindergarten teacher.

If you could change the world as a physician, what would you like to do?
I would like to implement global vaccination programs for every child in the world.

Most surprising thing you’ve found out about medical school?
How very time-consuming it is.

Most surprising thing you’ve discovered about Worcester?
I was born and raised here so there was not too much to discover, but perhaps the diversity of culture here?