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NEGEA 2015 Annual Retreat
Program Evaluation

 Thank you for attending the 2015 Northeast Group on Educational Affairs (NEGEA) Annual Retreat!

We are interested in your opinion and would like you to complete a brief survey about your experiences at this year's retreat. Any and all feedback is much appreciated and will be used to continuously make improvements to the NEGEA Annual Retreat experience.

Your participation in this evaluation is completely voluntary and survey responses will be recorded anonymously; you will not be asked any identifying information. All survey data will be reported in aggregate form to help inform us in making improvements to the conference. The survey should take about 5-10 minutes to complete.

Each NEGEA Annual Retreat registrant will receive an e-mail request to complete the program evaluation. Please complete the survey no later than May 4, 2015.

Thank you in advance for your time and contribution.