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Macy Initiative in Health Communication

Student News

Student-Faculty Curriculum Planning Dinner

Emily Ferrara, Macy Project Administrator, discusses the Sexuality/Sexual Orientation Curriculum plans with a first year medical student. Picture of student gathering.

Results of a follow-up survey conducted with the students who participated in this event (approximately 50% return) indicated that the small group format for providing feedback was useful and productive, allowing for the provision of meaningful input to the curriculum development process. The survey found that 61% of those responding would like to offer additional input to the curriculum development process, with 67% stating an interest in a continuing role with the curriculum development effort. Also, as part of the survey, the students were asked how they would like to be kept informed of progress and/or activities of the Macy project; 67% indicated e-mail updates as their top priority information source. A communication plan is being developed in consultation with Macy student representatives who serve on the Macy Advisory Committee.
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