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Welcome to the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health Education Programs! 

Family medicine was founded by pioneering doctors who knew that we could only promote health equity and justice by caring for individuals, families and communities. Similar to caring for patients throughout the lifespan, our educational offerings span the breadth of medical education, including medical students, residents, and fellows, and lifelong learning for attending physicians and allied health professionals.

Our institution ranks as best in the Northeast for Primary Care Education, and our department is essential to this achievement. Our faculty are key contributors in all four years of medical student education. Our graduate medical education offerings, including two family medicine residencies, a 
preventive medicine residency, and numerous fellowships, train physicians and clinical psychologists 
to improve access to evidence-based care for marginalized and vulnerable patients and populations. 
The educators within these programs are supported by innovative faculty development and continuing
medical education.

We invite you to explore our programs and reach out with ideas and questions.

All the best, 

           Jeanne Cawse-Lucas, MD                          Philip Day, PhD