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Supporting Public Health Practice

PRC at UMass Chan Faculty and Staff are actively engaged in many collaborative efforts that promote health and healthy lifestyles, and prevent chronic disease in the Greater Worcester area. 

Worcester Division of Public Health

public healthWorcester Division of Public Health (WDPH), the lead agency of the Central Mass Regional Public Health Alliance (CMRPHA), has a vision of becoming the healthiest region in New England by 2020. In parternship with Fallon HealthUMass Memorial Medical Center, and the Coalition for a Healthy Greater Worcester (formerly CHNA-8, Common Pathways) it galvanized over 1500 individuals and many agencies to complete the Community Health Assessment and create the Greater Worcester Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). The CHIP is a blueprint for action for the next 3-5 years, and its guiding principles and 9 Priority Areas focus the talent, resources, and work plans of many community agencies.  UMass Chan PRC Faculty and staff are actively involved in the Physical Activity Priority Area and the Access to Healthy Food Priority Area.

Academic Health Collaborative of Worcester

Academic Health Collaborative of Worcester logoThe Academic Health Collaborative of Worcester (AHC-W) brings together the Worcester Division of Public Health with UMass Chan Medical School, Clark University, and Worcester State University “to improve community health and develop public health research and practice leaders.” It is closely aligned with the Greater Worcester Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), and seeks to focus student and academic research energy to implement the 9 domains. Learn more about the Academic Health Collaborative through this narrated presentation:

  Academic Health Collaborative of Worcester

Worcester Food Policy Council

Worcester Food Policy Council logoThe Worcester Food Policy Council brings together agencies and stakeholders with a shared mission to “foster a healthy and just food system for all.” The Policy Councl seeks new ways to make healthy food more accessible, such as through support of Worcester's Urban Agriculture initiative and the Healthy Incentives Pilot (HIP) program for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participants.  

WalkBike Worcester

WalkBike Worcester Logo

WalkBike Worcester is actively working towards its goal of making it more “safe, pleasant and convenient” to walk and bike in Worcester. This collaboration of organizations and residents provide input on local plans, policies and practices to create Complete Streets that safely accommodate driving, biking and walking. UMass Chan PRC staff member volunteers her time to help spearhead these efforts.

Coalition for a Greater Healthy Worcester

Coalition for greater healthy WorcesterThe Coalition for a Greater Healthy Worcester is a collaboration of many agencies, organizations and individuals in the Greater Worcester area. The Coalitions brings everyone to the table to envision a healthier Worcester area, and to oversee the implementation of the Greater Worcester 2016 Community Health Improvement Plan. UMass Chan PRC Faculty member is Co-Chair of the Research and Evaluation Subcommittee  and UMass Chan PRC staff member Christine Frisard is active on this Subcommittee.

PRC at UMass Chan team presenting a joint poster with the City's of Worcester's Office of Health and Human Services team at the 2022 American Public Health Association conference in Boston, MA!

PRC and City of Worcester Teams at the December 2022 APHA Conference presenting our youth empowerment model poster!