HCV ECHO Curriculum
Date Topic
12/9/2016 HCV screening + HCV diagnostic testing
12/16/2016 Counseling for prevention of acquisition and transmission
12/30/2016 Acute HCV infection
1/6/2017 Chronic HCV initial evaluation
1/13/2017 Counselling patients with chronic HCV infection
1/20/2017 Open Topic Questions
1/27/2017 Evaluation and staging of liver fibrosis
2/3/2017 Co-Infection HepC/HIV
2/10/2017 CANCELED
2/17/2017 Co-Infection HepC HepB
2/24/2017 Monitoring during and after treatment
3/3/2017 Treatment of genotype 1 + 2
3/10/2017 Treatment of genotype 3
3/17/2017 Treatment of genotype 4
3/24/2017 Treatment of genotype 5 + 6
3/31/2017 CANCELED
4/7/2017 Evaluation and management of cirrhosis: Hepatic Encephalopathy
4/14/2017 Evaluation and management of cirrhosis: Varices
4/21/2017 Evaluation and management of cirrhosis: Ascites
4/28/2017 CANCELED
5/5/2017 Extrahepatic manifestations of HCV infection
5/12/2017 Referral for liver transplantation
5/19/2017 Cost and access to direct acting antiviral agents
5/26/2017 Addressing anticipated adherence problems prior to treatment
6/2/2017 Resistance testing in management of HC