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Vitiligo Center of Research Translation Pilot Grants Opportunity

Submission Deadline: November 30, 2023

Overview and Eligibility

The Vitiligo Center of Research Translation (VCORT) at UMass Chan welcomes applicants for pilot grants that explore innovative ideas that will initiate new research directions in vitiligo. These grants are available to any faculty member, but early-stage investigators at the instructor or assistant professor level are especially encouraged to apply.

Applications can focus on any area of basic or translational investigation related to vitiligo, but clinical trials will not be supported. Applicants must meet federal and National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal, and Skin Diseases funding requirements.

Award Details

​​​​​​​Up to two (2) awards of $50,000 each will be funded. The duration of award is one (1) year. Awardees may seek a renewal for a second year of funding through a competitive process with new applicants.  Funds may be used for supplies and/or investigator effort. No indirect costs are allowed

Application Process

Applicants will submit an up to 3-page proposal, exclusive of references (0.5” margins, single-spaced, 11 point Arial or Times New Roman font) and NIH Biosketch to the VCORT Pilot Grant Coordinator, Todd Pearson at on or before 11:59PM EDT on November 30, 2023. Review of application and funding recommendations will be made by the VCORT External Advisory Committee. Funding decisions will be made on or before December 15, 2023.  Earliest start date for successful awardees is January 1, 2024.

Please direct any questions about the VCORT Pilot Grant program to the VCORT Pilot Grant Coordinator, Todd Pearson (