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Exploratory Working Group on Drug Design and Resistance

The design of drugs to combat HIV has many complex issues associated with it.  Because of the rapid mutation rate of HIV, drug resistant variants have arisen as more patients receive antiretroviral therapy.  Therefore, the development of new strategies for HIV therapy is of great importance to the UMass CFAR.  The Exploratory Working Group on Drug Design and Resistance aims to coordinate these efforts by fostering collaboration among its members and UMass Chan programs such as the Institute for Drug Resistance. 


Celia Schiffer, PhDCelia Schiffer, PhD is a professor in the department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, and is the Director of the UMass Chan CFAR.  She is an expert in the prediction of drug resistance and the development of inhibitors of viral proteases, particularly HIV protease, that avoid drug resistance.  She also founded the Institute for Drug Resistance, which supports, promotes, and facilitates multidisciplinary approaches to combat drug resistance.