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Sensitive Medical and Counseling Care of Students by Faculty and Residents Policy

Overview: In order to ensure that there is no conflict of interest between the roles of faculty and resident physicians functioning as physicians or therapists and the roles of faculty and resident physicians in academic evaluation and promotion, the designated director of a course or health delivery service is responsible for a plan to ensure that health professionals who provide psychiatric/psychological counseling or other sensitive health

services to a medical student must have no involvement in the academic assessment or promotion of the medical student receiving those services.

The designated director/s of each Foundations of Medicine course are responsible for a plan to inform their teaching faculty of the EPC policy prohibiting health professionals who provide clinical services to a medical student from also having a role in evaluation or promotion of the same student.

No resident or fellow should be treating a student except in an urgent situation or where prohibiting the resident or fellow would hinder the student obtaining appropriate and timely care (e.g. if a procedure requires a resident or fellow assist).

Definition: Sensitive medical care: Because any medical care may become sensitive, "sensitive medical care" is considered to be any medical care.

Exemptions: Emergency situations or other situations in which lack of involvement by physicians, residents or other healthcare professionals would compromise patient care are exempted from the above policy.

The details regarding this policy will be distributed to students and course directors annually by the Office of Student Affairs.

Applicability: All students as well as faculty, staff and residents in an evaluative role
Responsibility: FOM1 and FOM2 Curriculum Committees, Office of Student Affairs
EPC Approval: 2012
Last Revision Date: May 2013