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Fourth Annual Thrombosis, Thrombolysis and Anticoagulation for the Clinican

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Needs Assessment
Educational Objectives
Special Features
Target Audience

Needs Assessment:
Thrombotic disorders of the venous and arterial circulatory systems, when considered collectively are the leading cause of morbidity, mortality and health care expenditures in the United States. There are over one million myocardial infarctions, 750,000 cases of unstable angina, 2 million strokes, and upward of 250,000 clinically recognized venous thromboembolic events yearly. More than any class of disorders with a common pathobiology, thromboembolic disease is recognized and encountered regularly in clinical practice by primary care physicians, cardiologists, emergency medicine physicians, hematologists/oncologists, occupational and physical therapists, pharmacists and advanced practice nurses who are involved directly with patient management in hospital, ambulatory, long-term and home care settings.

Advances in the field, coupled with a rapidly growing experience has furthered the development of practical management guidelines that have translated to coordinated patient care, improved outcomes, and reduced cost. The availability of clinically - relevant and outcomes-based information provides a level of comfort and confidence that encourages the implementation of diagnostic and management standards. Ultimately the patients are rewarded with the highest level of care possible.

Thrombosis, Thrombolysis, and Anticoagulation for the Clinician - Guidelines for the Safe and Effective Management of Patients with Thrombotic Disorders: A multidisciplinary Approach for the New Millennium is a program designed by clinicians for clinicians as a means to meet existing challenges that are commonplace in medical practice. The objective is to enhance patient care and education; the ultimate goal of all endeavors in medicine.

Educational Objectives:

  1. Upon completion of the program each attendee will be able to:
  2. Identify structured management strategies (pathways of care) used in the prevention and treatment of common thromboembolic disorders encountered in clinical practice, including deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, acute ischemic stroke, acute coronary syndromes, and thromboembolism associated with malignancy, trauma, catheter-based interventions and heart failure.
  3. Describe management strategies that reduce the cost of providing health care for patients with thromboembolic disorders in the hospital and ambulatory settings.
  4. Understand the diagnostic tests available to detect patients with active and potentially life-threatening thromboembolism.
  5. Initiate and manage patients requiring anticoagulant therapy with warfarin, hiruden and low molecular weight heparin preparations.
  6. Identify and manage patients taking warfarin who require elective surgery.
  7. Delineate the major processing points for a coordinated anticoagulation program.
  8. Identify the specific management needs of both young and elderly persons who require anticoagulant therapy.
  9. Acquire the knowledge to establish a comprehensive program for patient-empowering therapeutics.

Special Features:
Demonstrations of Point of Care Coagulation Monitors, Rapid Assays, Computer Software and Teaching Materials/Patient Education materials will be provided.

All attendees will receive the latest information on Anticoagulation Providers' Certification and a computer disc containing educational materials and copies of the presenters slides. The program will be available for review on an established education web site.

An evaluation questionnaire will provide participants with the opportunity to review each speaker and the content of the program; to comment on the skills learning sessions and the instructors; and to identify future educational needs.

Target Audience:
This program is intended for clinicians involved directly with the care of patients with thromboembolic disorders. Primary care physicians, internists, cardiologists, hematologist/oncologists, advanced practice nurses, occupational and physical therapists, pharmacists, and personnel involved with coordinated anticoagulation programs will find the information vital for their practice.

UMass Chan Medical School (UMass Chan) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), to sponsor continuing medical education for physicians. UMass Chan designates this offering for 4.5 hours in Category 1 of the Physicians Recognition Award of the American Medical Association.

The University of Massachusetts Medical Center is approved as a provider of continuing education in nursing by the Massachusetts Nurses Association and may grant Continuing Education Contact hours to registered nurses. The MNA is accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

This offering carries 5.0 contact hours pending approval by the Nursing Council on Professional Development. All other attendees will be eligible to receive 4.5 CEUs.

Further Information/Special Needs:
Call OCE, UMass Chan (508) 856-1671 for Assistance.