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Surgery Interest Group (SIG)

Surgery Interest Group (SIG)

The Surgery Interest Group is a student lead organization that helps foster the growth of medical students who either plan to become surgeons or simply find exploring the many surgical specialties to be exciting. Through a variety of skills sessions, panel discussions, and special events students are exposed to a wide variety of surgical fields. The goal of this interest group is to both give first and second year students the tools to continue shaping their medical interests as well as give third and fourth years a resource to share their wisdom and gain important contacts. The group fosters an environment of advice-giving and sharing between classes with a special focus on exposing students to surgical topics and mentors.

Upcoming Events

Laparoscopic Skills Lab: TBD

Laparoscopic Skill Lab led by Dr. Manning and Dr. Callery at the UMass Chan Simulation Center


Surgery Match Panel: TBD

The Surgery Match Panel is a great opportunity for 1st and 2nd year medical students to ask questions and get advice from recently matched 4th year students.


Female Physicians in Male Dominated Fields: TBD

SIG and the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) will team up to host the Female Physicians in Male Dominated Fields event. There will be female physicians representing specialties including general surgery, anesthesiology, emergency medicine, orthopedic surgery, and more. The goal is to provide female students a forum for discussion about pursuing a career in a traditionally male dominated field, graceful self-promotion, work-life balance, and strategies for how to achieve career goals. Dinner will be provided. 


Surgery Advice Night for Rising 3rd Years: TBD

Come for an informal information session on how to rock your 3rd year surgery clerkship. We'll go over your basic daily schedule, surgical skills and OR etiquette, good resources to study from, and answer any questions you have.


Bring a Surgeon To Lunch: TBD

Bring a Surgeon to Lunch is a new SIG program that matches students and surgeons. This is a great opportunity for students to learn more about surgery at UMASS.