Summary of Overall Process

If using online Web MAYSI-2, the staff administering the MAYSI-2 enters basic demographic and case identification data into the case file. Then the youth is offered instructions for answering 52 MAYSI-2 items, concerning whether they have been true (yes, no) for the youth within the past few months. Web MAYSI-2 then automatically uses the responses to create scores on seven MAYSI-2 scales and provides a report. 

Using paper-and-pencil administration, youths answer the 52 items on the MAYSI-2 Questionnaire, circling yes/no on each item. The staff creates scores on the seven MAYSI-2 scales by transferring the yes/no responses using a Scoring Form and then records the scores on a Scoring Summary showing scores on each of the seven MAYSI-2 scales. 

As described below, scores on the MAYSI-2 scales identify which youths are “critical cases” requiring a response determined by the agency’s policies.