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Health Equity Research Projects


Strengthening Translational Research in Diverse Enrollment (STRIDE)

This collaborative study between UMass Chan Medical School, Vanderbilt and the University of Alabama at Birmingham is developing innovative approaches to enhancing informed consent procedures, with a goal of improving research literacy among under-served populations. This project is developing a multi-level informed consent platform that integrates e-consent with patient storytelling and simulations-based research assistant training. The intervention will be tested in the context of six ongoing clinical trials in a multiple time series design randomized trial.
UMass Worcester PRC Principal Investigator: Stephenie Lemon, PhD
Funders: National Institutes of Health, National Center for the Advancement of Translational Science
Dates: 2016-2021

UMass Center for Health Equity Intervention Research (CHEIR)

This collaboration between UMass Worcester and UMass Boston establishes a Center for Minority Health. This center provides infrastructure to identify, train, mentor and foster the career development of minority students, faculty and individuals with interests in health disparities interventional research. It provides an infrastructure support to faculty interested in developing research ideas aimed to reduce and eliminate health disparities through administrative, research and community engagement cores.
UMass Worcester PRC Principal Investigator: Milagros C. Rosal, PhD
Funders: National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities
Dates: 2012-2018

Implementation Research Training Program in Cancer Prevention and Control

This education and training grant will establish a postdoctoral training program at UMass Chan focused on community and clinical implementation science in cancer prevention and control.
UMass Worcester PRC Principal Investigator: Stephenie C. Lemon, PhD
Funder: National Cancer Institute
Dates: 2014-2019

Community Engagement Core, Center for Health Equity Intervention Research (CHEIR)

This core is supporting community engagement activities in affiliated projects. It also includes an independent project intended to advance the field of community-engaged science through the development, dissemination, and evaluation of an innovative, culturally responsive video storytelling intervention to increase research literacy among community members.
UMass Worcester PRC Principal Investigator: Stephenie Lemon, PhD
Funders: Center for Health Equity Intervention Research, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities
Dates: 2012-2018

Community Engagement and Research Section, University of Massachusetts Clinical and Translational Science Award (UMCCTS)

The Community Engagement and Research Section enhances academic and community capacity to address urgent health priorities among communities in Massachusetts using community-engaged research approaches. It establishes regional community-based research networks (CBRN) and junior faculty training programs.
UMass Worcester PRC Principal Investigators: Stephenie Lemon, PhD, Suzanne Cashman, ScD
Funder: National Institutes of Health
Dates: 2015-2019

Special Populations Resource Center, University of Massachusetts Clinical and Translational Science Award (UMCCTS)

The Special Population Resource Center seeks to engage special populations in clinical and translational research with strategies that reach out to investigators and community members using tailored, culturally responsive methods.
UMass Worcester PRC Principal Investigator: Milagros C. Rosal, PhD
Funder: National Institutes of Health
Dates: 2015-2019

Continuation of the Nicotine Dependence in Teens (NDIT) Study to Age 30

The study will follow the use of tobacco products, quit attempts, and genetic and environmental factors among study participants. It extends the ability to follow participants until they are 30-years-old, and develop intervention tools.
UMass Worcester PRC Principal Investigator: Lori Pbert, PhD
Partner: University of Montreal
Funder: Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute
Dates: 2015-2019

Barriers and Facilitators of Mental Health Services Utilization among Latinos

Using a community-engaged research approach, this study is to empirically assess the association of individual, partner/family, social context and larger community stressors and sources of support on markers of physical and mental health and health care utilization among low-income Latinos.
UMass Worcester PRC Principal Investigators: Milagros C. Rosal, PhD and Stepenie C. Lemon, PhD
Funders: National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Mental Health
Dates: 2011-2017